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Biedrības "A2" rīkotās sacensības

Iepriekšējais mēnesis Februāris, 2024 Nākošais mēnesis

P O T C P S Sv

Aktuālās sacensības:


Latvian championships in mountain bike orienteering (mtb-o) 2009
and Lithuanian mtb-o cup
Bulletin No. 1&2

[Results (sprint)] [Splits (sprint)]

[Results (middle)] [Splits (middle)]


Latvian Orienteering Federation (LOF) and club “A2”
Chief of competition: Jānis Lazdāns
Head of course planning: Jānis Lazdāns
Electronic punching system service: Kaspars Kārkliņš


Both days the event will be held near beautiful town Sigulda with event center located in “Ziedlejas”


Saturday, 23.05.2009 – MIDDLE DISTANCE.
Event center - Sigulda, Silciems, „Ziedlejas”. Marking from SIA „SIGULDAS BLOKS” on highway A2 (Rīga-Sigulda).
13:00-14:30 registration at the event center
15:00 start in the middle distance
18:00 prize giving

Sunday, 24.05.2009 - SPRINT DISTANCE
Event center - Sigulda, Silciems, „Ziedlejas”. Marking from SIA „SIGULDAS BLOKS” on highway A2 (Rīga-Sigulda).
8:30-9:30 registration at the event center
10:00 start in the sprint distance
12:30 prize giving


Diplomas of Latvian championship in mtb-o may be attained by participants who have registered at LOF (i.e. registered in Latvian orienteering database and have paid annual membership fee for 2009. All competitors compete for prizes.

Competition classes:

Men Women Comments
M16 W16 Participants born on 1993 or after
M21 W21 Elite open group
M40 W40 Participants born before 1969 (including)
OPEN OPEN Open group for everyone


Middle distance:
Map scale 1:20000, H 5m, 30x21 cm. Average density of tracks and paths both with good and average ride ability. Nearly located valleys of river Gauja have been included giving some steep climbs and slopes.

Sprint distance:
Map scale 1:7500, H 5m, 30x21 cm. Good network of tracks and paths with mostly good ride ability.


Usage of helmets is compulsory. Participants will not be allowed to start the race having no helmets. General traffic rules should be followed when riding along the public roads. It is allowed to ride off the track except when crossing private yards, where it is allowed only to stay on tracks drawn in map. Contestants may use only compass and map given by organizer during the race. No other navigation tools are allowed. Participants should follow fair play principles. Mtb-o regulations issued by LOF are binding to all started participants. If any concerns or doubts are risen the Latvian version of regulations and rules should be taken as the main one.


Official place of accommodation is hostel LAURENČI – participants of mtb-o have special prices when password “mountain bike orienteering” is said. Contact information -

Other choices of accommodation look at


Preliminary registration is in website with deadline on 21.05.2009 at 24:00. Registration after the deadline is possible to vacant places with 50% higher entry fee. No registration deadline is set for OPEN group. It can be also done at the event center on the competition day.


Estimated winner’s time according to regulations:

Middle distance:

  Women Men
Group Km KP Est. time Km KP Est. time
W/M 16 7.1 10 30 min 8.4 11 35 min
W/M 21 9.2 11 40 – 50 min 13.4 17 50 – 60 min
W/M 40 8.4 11 30 min 9.2 11 40 min
OPEN 8.3 11 30 min 8.3 11 35 min

Sprint distance:

  Women Men
Group Km KP Est. time Km KP Est. time
W/M 16 3.4 8 20 min 4.7 9 20 min
W/M 21 5.2 10 20 – 25 min 7.2 15 20 – 25 min
W/M 40 4.7 9 20 min 5.2 10 20 min
OPEN 4.9 10 20 min 4.9 10 20 min


Starting interval between competitors from one group is 2 minutes in both days.
Participant shall be present in starting corridor 2 minutes before start. Map will be given 1 minute before start.
Starting place will be announced at the event center on the competition day. The route to the starting place will be marked if necessary.
Starting lists will be published on the website on May 22nd, 2009.
There is no starting list for OPEN group competitors. Instead competitors may enter in the race according to their preferences.


EMIT punching system will be used. If personal EMIT control card is to be used it’s ID number should be given on the registration in Internet. EMIT control card should be attached to the bike during the race. Ski card holder is most convenient to assure holding to the bike. Paper label attached to EMIT control card placed is used as back-up marking system. These labels will be available at the event center. It is competitor’s responsibility to ensure proper label’s attachment to the EMIT control card so that can be properly used. If EMIT checkpoint is broken (in manner that do not allow to use it properly) or stolen, one of paper pieces scattered around checkpoint should be taken along as a proof.


M/W16 - Ls 2.50 (EUR 4) per day,
M/W 21, 40 - Ls 5 (EUR 8) per day,
OPEN – Ls 4 (EUR 6) per day,
EMIT control card rent Ls 0,50 (EUR 1) per day,

Entry fee may be paid by bank transfer to club “A2” bank account
(requisites: Biedrība „A2”, Reģ. Nr. 40008099938,
Pulk. Brieža iela 93k-21, Sigulda, Rīgas rajons,
A/S „SEB Banka” LV29UNLA0050007879833)
or by cash payment at the event center. Latvian Lats or exact EUR payment preferred on cash payment as there could be problems with money change for foreign currency.


Top 3 participants according to final results in each group will receive prizes. Top 3 participants (who are qualified for Latvian championship) according to final results will receive diplomas.


Bicycle repair service will be provided by GANDRS at the competition center.


Jānis Lazdāns +371 29368877, e-mail:

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